If you convert 5000 INR to BDT/USD, 75 USDT/USD to USD/BDT/USDT, or 100 WMZ to USD/INR/BDT/USDT, you can join or upgrade in our business system for free. >We have launched OofChanger Business (OCB) for your convenience. Our business system is very transparent. By simply upgrading your OofChanger Exchanger (OCE) account to OCB, you can access benefits such as cashback, affiliate earnings, investment earnings, and bounties. For more details, you can directly contact our agent. Thank you!

Exchange PayPal USD to Bank Transfer INR

Exchange rate: 1 USD = 65 INR
Min. amount: 30 USD
Max. amount: 500 USD

Reserve: 30000 INR

Additional exchange rules from PayPal USD to Bank Transfer INR:

Here are step by step details on how you can transfer money using Credit Card/Debit Card...

  • 1. Filling up this form correctly is mandatory.
    2. Select I agree with Terms of Services.
    2. Click on Exchange Bottom. & Next Pay bottom
    3. At the very bottom you select the country.
    4. If you don't have a PayPal account, select the Pay with Debit Card/Credit Card option without giving an email.
    4. Continue with your email address.
    5. Select the country where you want to Pay with Debit Card/Credit Card.
    6. I have given this form, you can check it / fill this form correctly and give your hand to Pay Now

Warning: Do not engage in any Third-Party transactions from the OofChanger Exchanger website. Before proceeding with any exchange, please ensure you communicate with the WhatsApp agent. If there is any delay in completing the order, kindly get in touch with the WhatsApp agent for assistance.

For buying Fait Money to Dollar, account Profile Update, Email Verification, Document Verification and Video Call Verification are mandatory. For Dollar to Dollar and Dollar to Fait Money exchanges, Updating your Profile and Email Verification are also mandatory.

Greetings! Join OofChanger Business (oBusiness) and seize the opportunity to earn millions of oTokens. For more details, you can connect with our WhatsApp agent. Thank you!

Please note, One-time joining fee: 150 USD, Returns up to 600 USD, Loan eligibility up to 500 USD.
