If you convert 5000 INR to BDT/USD, 75 USDT/USD to USD/BDT/USDT, or 100 WMZ to USD/INR/BDT/USDT, you can join or upgrade in our business system for free. >We have launched OofChanger Business (OCB) for your convenience. Our business system is very transparent. By simply upgrading your OofChanger Exchanger (OCE) account to OCB, you can access benefits such as cashback, affiliate earnings, investment earnings, and bounties. For more details, you can directly contact our agent. Thank you!

How many oToken will you receive?

Level Exchange Amount % of Received oToken
1 11 USD - 100 USD 100%
2 101 USD - 200 USD 150%
3 201 USD - 300 USD 200%
4 301 USD - 400 USD 250%
5 401 USD - 500 USD 300%
6 501 USD - 600 USD 350%
7 601 USD - 700 USD 400%
8 701 USD - 800 USD 500%
9 801 USD - 900 USD 600%
10 901 USD - 1000 USD 700%
1. Automatic Conversion: All your non-USD exchanges will be automatically converted to USD.
2. Registration Requirement: To use our discount system, you must be a registered customer.
3. Value of oToken: Each oToken is valued at 0.01 USD.
4. oToken Wallet: You will receive oToken in your oBusiness wallet.
5. Depositing oToken: You can deposit oToken into your oBusiness wallet.
6. Conversion to Local Currency: If you have 10,000 oToken you can convert it and exchange it for your local currency.
7. Affiliate Rewards: You will receive 0.30% from 2nd to 9th levels.