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Exchange Tether (TRC20) USDT to UPI 1 INR

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 80 INR
Min. amount: 22 USDT
Max. amount: 1000 USDT

Reserve: 5000 INR

Additional exchange rules from Tether (TRC20) USDT to UPI 1 INR:

Important notice:

We have here the addresses of the two networks Tether USDT (USDT BEP20 address & USDT TRC20 address). You will pay on the network in which you have the facility to make the payment. From the two networks, you can choose between giving and receiving payments. When making a Tether USDT payment you are requested to verify the payment thoroughly. If you do not understand, contact our support center. Once the payment is made in the blockchain, it is not possible to refund it in any way.


  1. Make payment before choose a one network like- Tether USDT BEP20 or USDT ERC20

If you do not know the coupon code, you can enter "NILL". If you follow this screenshot, you will understand.
